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By: Abin Tuladhar May 17, 2016
Stop a Toilet that Doesn’t Stop Running

Stop a Toilet that Doesn’t Stop Running, A constantly running toilet not only drives you nuts, it can waste money, too—flushing dollars down the drain and into the septic tank when your water bill shows up.

First things first: If your toilet is running, reach behind it and turn the water off (There’s usually a knob behind it that controls the flow.).

toilet water knob

Next, lift the top of the tank. More often than not, you’ll find that the flapper or the flush valve has a problem, leaving the tank constantly emptying into the toilet bowl.

inside of toilet

The fix can range from a readjustment of the float and the arm (so the tank gets plugged) to a complete replacement of the tank’s interior parts—a fix that might run you $20. It’s mostly a snap-and-place fixture and you should be able to figure it out just by looking at it.

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